Aili Marjatta Kerttula
Aili is a fourth generation Finnish-American immigrant who has been a practicing pagan witch for 20+ years. A self-described “armchair scholar”, Aili is a life-long learner of all things related to magic, mythology, and animism with a focus on American Modern Witchcraft, Western Alchemy/Occultism, Norse-Germanic Mythology, North American Shamanism, and Finnish Magic and Folklore. Aili has spent her entire life fascinated by her Finnish heritage but found little in the way of pagan literature discussing the topic. Aili now dreams of sharing the entrancing world of Finnish magic and folklore with the modern Neo-pagan and occult communities to put into the world the information she wishes had been available in her own researching and formative years. Aili is currently working on her own book that explores the practical application of Finnish mythology and folklore to create a spiritual folk magic practice aligned with the seasons, the elements, and nature.
When she's not researching or writing, Aili also uses visual art and crafting as a way of connecting to her Finnish roots. She is a dedicated volunteer at her local Finnish-American Heritage Society and helps to organize local cultural events to share and preserve Finnish traditions and culture in America. Aili lives in the beautiful pinewoods of central Connecticut with her wonderful husband, four children (that are mostly OK), and a small dog that annoys her to no end but is blessedly patient with the kids.