Stocking our titles just got easier.
We’re working with Red Wheel/Weiser to handle all aspects of our wholesale distribution, which means stocking our titles has never been easier. If you have specific questions about wholesale or distribution, please email info@crossedcrowbooks.com, and we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. Thank you for your interest in stocking our titles!
U.S. Contacts
Laurie Kellie, Director of Sales, 978-465-0576, lkelly@rwwbooks.com
Sam McKora, Special Sales Manager, 978-225-2944, ssykora@rwwbooks.com
Sharon Hart, In-House Sales Coordinator, 978-465-0625, sales@rwwbooks.com
Foreign Distribution
Australia & New Zealand: New South Books, www.newsouthbooks.com.au
Canada: Raincoast Books, www.raincoastgroup.com, orders@raincoast.com
Singapore and Malaysia: Times Distribution Pte. Ltd., tpl@tpl.com.sg
United Kingdom & Europe: Deep Books Ltd., London, UK, www.deep-books.co.uk, sales@deep-books.co.uk
All Other Markets: Laurie Kellie, Director of Sales, 978-465-0576, lkellypye@rwwbooks.com