Our Authors
We are incredibly proud of our eclectic team of amazing authors. They are truly masters in their disciplines. You can learn more about our authors by clicking on their name at the bottom. If you’d like to contact one of our writers, feel free to email info@crossedcrowbooks.com and use the author’s name as the subject line. You can also send mail to Crossed Crow Books c/o Author Name, 6934 N Glenwood Ave, Suite C, Chicago, IL 60626.
Miss Aida
Witch, author, and teacher of the metaphysical, Miss Aida was born into a Cuban family who practiced Brujeria, Santeria, and Palo. An initiate of the crafts herself, she is also a natural-born medium and a renowned Hoodoo practitioner.
Alaric Albertsson
Alaric Albertsson (Iowa) is a founding member of Key City Kindred and Wild Rose Hearth. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Heartland Spiritual Alliance and as the Anglo-Saxon Vice Chieftain for the Northern Kin…
Chris Allaun
Chris Allaun has been studying witchcraft, magick, and paganism since 1992. He is one of the founders and an ordained minister with The Fellowship of the Phoenix. He has been an initiate…
Lasara Firefox Allen
Lasara Firefox Allen, MSW, (they/them/theirs/Mx) is a second-generation, multiply-ordained Priext/exx and family-traditions Witch, a teacher, facilitator, and coach…
Aerik Arkadian
Aerik Arkadian is a Third Degree Gardnerian High Priest, aborisha, musician, witch, Reiki Master, pagan recording artist, and audio engineer. He and his wife, Selene, reside in South Florida, where they run a coven and an active prison ministry.
Frater Barrabbas
Frater Barrabbas Tiresius is a practicing ritual magician who has studied magic and the occult for over forty years. He believes that ritual magic is a discipline whose mystery is unlocked by continual practice and by…
M. Belanger
M. Belanger (he/they) is the founder of House Kheperu, Pagan clergy, and a seasoned instructor on past life memory work. Notable as the only visibly out intersex person working in US paranormal television…
Tom Benjamin
Tom Benjamin is your friendly neighborhood fortune teller! He’s been reading tarot and teaching divination for more than twenty years, and has written the popular indie titles Tarot on Earth and Your Tarot Toolkit (2017)…
Steve Blamires
Steve Blamires is from the Isle of Arran in the west of Scotland where the Gaelic language and Celtic culture are still strong. He began to study his native Celtic culture in his early teens, a task that was…
Deborah Blake
Deborah Blake is the author of over a dozen books on modern Witchcraft, including The Eclectic Witch’s Book of Shadows, The Little Book of Cat Magic and Everyday Witchcraft, as well as the acclaimed…
Morgan Colonna
Morgan Colonna is a quirky Libra with many passions: freelance illustrator, luna moth rearer, tarot/oracle reader, burlesque stage manager, and vintage collector…
Kamden Cornell
Description An apothecarist and wortcunner, Kamden S. Cornell has an avid love for plants of all kinds. As a bioregional animist and folk witch, they specialize in using the plants around them for…
Rosśa Crean
Multimedia artist Rosśa Crean (they/them) is an empath, psychic intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher, healer, and certified trauma-informed specialist and life coach. In their artistic work, Rosśa specializes in what they call “liminal…
Kenn Day
Kenn Day has been a full-time professional Shaman since 1989, practicing in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he lives with his wife and daughter. His work arises…
Patricia DeSandro
Patricia DeSandro, known as Bonadea Lyonesse in the Pagan community, is first a wisewoman/hedge witch, and then an elder high priestess of the Circean line of Romano-Celtic Wicca…
Michelle Franklin
Michelle Franklin is a netherward husk who knows many things and is sorry about it. She is a scholar of interdisciplinary subjects, which she is also sorry for, and is the author of many books about monster…
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold graduated in psychology, anthropology/science of religion and cinema studies at the University of Oslo and NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. He is the owner of Sacred Alchemy Store and the…
Raven Digitalis
Raven Digitalis (USA) is an award-winning author best known for his “Empath’s Trilogy,” consisting of The Empath's Oracle, Esoteric Empathy, and The Everyday Empath, as well as the “Shadow Trilogy”…
Irene Glasse
rene Glasse is a Heathen witch based in Western Maryland. She is a longtime teacher of witchcraft, meditation, and magic in the mid-Atlantic. She is the co-author of "Blackfeather Mystery School: The Magpie Training" (Dragon Alchemy, 2022)…
Raven Grimassi
The entire Crossed Crow Books team is incredibly honored to have been chosen to preserve the legacy of the esteemed author Raven Grimassi (1951-2019). Raven Grimassi contributed a wealth of…
Per Henrik Gullfoss
Per Henrik has been teaching, giving private consultations, and coaching in astrology and tarot for his entire adult life. A graduate of the University of Oslo, he has a master's degree in theater studies…
Jaq D. Hawkins
Jaq D. Hawkins currently has four books in publication in the Mind, Body, Spirit category and is the author of the popular Spirits of the Elements series, now combined in the single volume…
Laurel Hostak-Jones
Laurel Hostak Jones (she/her) is a writer, audio producer, and Witch based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has a background in theatre and a lifelong devotion to studying mythology, folklore, and literature…
Michael M. Hughes
Michael M. Hughes is an author, speaker, game designer, and magical thinker. He is the creator of the internationally viral Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him, the largest magical working in history.
Sian Ingham
Sian Ingham (they/them) has worked as an editor, journalist and writer of fiction, nonfiction and games for over 20 years under various names…
Kenneth Johnson
Kenneth Johnson was quite literally born and raised in “Surf City USA” – he grew up in south California during the 1960s. He obtained his B.A. in Comparative Religions at California State…
Andre Jooste
Andre Jooste stands as a dedicated practitioner of magick, having traversed the realms of mysticism throughout his entire life. His profound expertise and unwavering commitment…
Gillian Kemp
Gillian Kemp is an internationally acclaimed author of spell books, fortune-telling, and oracle decks of cards. The Good Spell Book, topped the official UK book sales chart…
Aili Marjatta Kerttula
Aili is a fourth generation Finnish-American immigrant who has been a practicing pagan witch for 20+ years. A self-described “armchair scholar”, Aili is a life-long learner of all things related to magic, mythology, and animism
Nathan King
Nathan King is a Michigan based Witch, Occultist, psychic and High Priest (Minos) of the Minoan Brotherhood Tradition. Trained in historic Salem, Massachusetts. He has been featured on SYFY….
Katherine Rose Knight
Katherine Rose Knight is a professional psychic, a scholar of metaphysics, and divination specialist; when she isn’t reading the Tarot or casting the Runes you can find her…
Jake Kobrin
Jake Kobrin is a visionary artist, writer, and High Magick practitioner whose work merges art, spirituality, and transformative personal growth. Drawing from esoteric traditions both Eastern and Western…
Jeffrey Kupperman
Jeffrey S. Kupperman (he/him) is a scholar, artist, teacher, and practitioner. Jeffrey has a master’s degree in religious studies from Lancaster University and, having studied religion at Liverpool Hope University…
Sandra Kynes
Sandra Kynes is an explorer of history, myth, and magic. Although she is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, she follows her own Goddess-Centered and faery-centered path. She likes to develop creative ways…
Shaherzaad Laila
Born and raised in Pakistan, a land of cultural diversity and artistic heritage, Shaherzaad Laila is a rising connoisseur of Urdu Literature in Pakistan. Her passion for music, literature, and the arts shapes her creative pursuits…
Laetitia Latham-Jones
Laetitia is a Kentish Maid born in the small country town of Swanscombe. She visited Cornwall frequently on family vacations and after leaving home, continued to visit until her eventual move in…
Deborah Lipp
Deborah Lipp’s most recent books include The Beginner’s Guide to the Occult and Magical Power for Beginners. Her earlier works include: Tarot Interactions, The Study of Witchcraft…
Lucas Lona
Lucas Lona is a Chicago-Based Practitioner of Magick & Sorcery, studying the occult for 10 years. He has a Degree in Film Studies & Theatrical Stage Choreography; using that knowledge…
Opal Luna
Opal Luna, a Crone and Priestess of Minerva, is also a Fiber Magickian. She authored "Fiber Magick: A Witch's Guide to Spellcasting with Crochet, Knotwork, and Weaving."
Sara Mastros
Sara L. Mastros is the author of The Big Book of Magical Incense, Orphic Hymns Grimoire, and The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Planetary Pentacles of the Magician King. Recognized by her peers…
Eron Mazza
Eron Mazza, host of the podcast “The Witching hour with Eron Mazza,” has been practicing witchcraft for 14 years. They are passionate about accessibility and keeping the craft approachable for who ever seeks it…
Lisa McSherry
Lisa McSherry has been a practicing witch since the 80s and thinks she might be starting to get the hang of things now. She's published five books since the turn of the century and looks forward to continuing to do so until...
Kieron Morgan
Kieron Morgan (Glastonbury, UK) is a healer, teacher, Alchemyst, and Brother of Dragons, with over 20 years experience on the path. His roots are firmly planted in the old ways with a deep love of Mother Earth…
Lee Morgan
Lee Morgan lives on a communal homestead on kunanyi/Mt Wellington, where he creates sanctuary for other weirdos, raises books, people, and ideas from the grave. He has had novels and non-fiction published…
Dorothy Morrison
Dubbed by Publishers Weekly as "a Witch to watch," Dorothy Morrison is the award-winning author of numerous books on the Ancient Arts and has become a favorite of readers and critics from all walks of…
Tracy Nicholas
Tracy Nicholas works at the intersection where folklore, mindful living and creativity meet. As an animist, nature is central to her spiritual practice…
Mark Norman
Mark Norman is a folklorist and author based in Devon, in the South West of the UK. He is the curator of the Folklore Library and Archive, a Council member of The Folklore Society and the creator and host of The Folklore Podcast…
Ashley Oppon
Ashley Oppon (she/her) is a Spiritual Practitioner, Registered Nurse, and Death Midwife. Having grown up in a home where she heard many Caribbean and West African folktales, she developed a love for mythology...
Fio Gede Parma
Fio Gede Parma (they/them) is a Balinese-Australian queer witch and award-winning author. They are the author or compiler and editor of 8 books including The Witch Belongs to the World, Elements of Magic, Magic of the Iron …
Victoria J. Raschke
Victoria J. Raschke is an animistic witch initiated in The Forest’s Edge tradition and surprisingly bad at writing biographical blurbs. She is the author of Verona Green: a story of Art & Magic…
Komal Salman
Komal is the founder of Folkloristan, which she founded in November 2021, with the aim of documenting and digitising Pakistani folklore. Whilst she has documented, translated and retold several stories for Folkloristan…
John Santerineross
John Santerineross is a contemporary American artist recognized for his hauntingly surreal and symbolic photography. Born with an innate passion for creativity, John's artwork…
Jeremy Schewe
Jeremy has been leading international sacred site retreats, socio-economic service trips, and conservation-based eco-adventures for 10 years. He is an ecologist, botanist, tree keeper, and community activator who has worked…
Jessica Settergren
Jessica Settergren has been a solitary witch and Pagan since 1996 and studied many mythologies and traditions for worship, philosophy, and craft. While her personal practice has Wiccan bones, she branched into an eclectic mix...
Kimberly Sherman-Cook
Kimberly Sherman-Cook is a high priestess, minister, occult author, and teacher. Kimberly was born and raised in New England where she still resides today with her husband and children. Kimberly has enjoyed many…
Albert Björn Shiell
Albert Björn Shiell grew up in the shade of the South Downs of Sussex, England. He spent his days there walking ancient chalk hills, full of burial mounds and folklore. Trading it all in 2017 for cold…
Naag Loki Shivanath
A practicing Necromancer of almost two decades, Naag Loki Shivanath has devoted his life to studying the occult arts and sharing them in a way that is both illuminating and easy to understand…
Craig Spencer
Craig Spencer is a Lancashire-born Anglo-Italian witch who practices Traditional Lancashire Witchcraft. His academic background earned him a Bachelor of Science degree with honours…
Gordon Strong
Gordon Strong is a writer, speaker, and workshop host. He is well-known in the U.K. and the West Coast of America. He has published several books on myths, magic and sacred monuments and numerous novels. Music, laughter…
Jacob O' Sullivan
Jacob O’Sullivan is a writer, folklorist, and curator, originally from the Isle of Man and now living in Edinburgh. His poems and articles have been published widely. He is a Trustee of StAnza – Scotland’s International Poetry Festival…
Joanna Tarnawska
Joanna Tarnawska (she/her) is an animist, folk practitioner and psychologist based in the mountains of Lower Silesia, Poland.
Patricia Telesco
Patricia Telesco (Trish) has been a part of the Neo-Pagan community for over 30 years. During that time, she penned many memorable titles, including Victorian Grimoire, Goddess in my Pocket, Spinning Spells…
Kelley Towne
Kelley Towne is a longtime practitioner of the Old Craft based out of Massachusetts. Having answered the call to magic at a very young age, she incorporates practices and ideas from…
Donald Tyson
Donald Tyson is an occult scholar and the author of the popular, critically acclaimed Necronomicon series. He has written more than a dozen books on Western esoteric traditions.
Matthew Venus
Matthew Venus a traditional witch, artist, and folk magician based in Salem, Massachusetts whose craft is centered around a deep heart of animism and a dedication to ancestral and land based traditions. Over the past two…